National Assembly Condemns CNN and Far Right Opposition’s Intent to Disregard 28J Election Results

Jorge Rodriguez, Director of the National Assembly of Venezuela July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024 Hour: 2:02 pm
At a press conference, Rodriguez said, “They’re not going to recognize the result, they’re going to recognize the result of their own minutes,
On Friday, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodriguez, denounced the plans orchestrated by CNN to ignore the results of the elections of July 28.
Far-Right Opposition Not To Recognize Results From the Venezuelan Electoral Authority
At a press conference, Rodriguez said, “They’re not going to recognize the result, they’re going to recognize the result of their own minutes, so what are you participating in the election event for? What is the reason to participate? They know what we know (…) that is the plan as always, not recognizing the results and then installing violence”.
For his part, he also rejected the union of the extreme right opposition with the media, based in the United States, stating, “CNN is helping them to ignore the elections”.
Likewise, Jorge Rodríguez urged the CNE to take legal action against the promoters of the hate campaign against President Nicolas Maduro, which are mostly done by bots.
Rodriguez said these right-wing campaigns only seek violence, hatred and facism among the Venezuelan people.
Despite the ignorance of the right and imperial media such as CNN, the director of the AN and Head of the Campaign Command of President Maduro, Jorge Rodriguez, affirmed that the Venezuelan government will recognize the legitimate results.
“We are going to recognize the result of the CNE,” he said.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: VTV-AN